Neelima (nee..lee..maa)

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

            Out from the dirt pops an eye.. flinching at the light first but steadily gathering the strength to look around, feeling the first rays of the sun, trying to get au fait with her surroundings. Suckling on the life force around she grows. Absorbent by nature she discerns as she grows into a sapling. Beautiful, curvaceous & radiant freshness of her first blossom got her some gawks.

           Growing wasn't easy in those marshy lands. Adversity was the teacher and frugality were her resources. Though challenging her surroundings were doting. Heedless she grew gleefully.
Neelima's focus stayed on strengthening her roots the dilly-dally didn't amuse her. Uphills looked luxurious & enticing. Her alluring beady eyes would see the play-off's by the elite on high grounds. It looked greener, fancier almost like a fairy-tale on those mountain valleys of further lands. In contrast her marshland were morass, filthy, crowded & insipid.. or she thought.

          As her network of radicles grew she espied that it does not matter what high grounds you are born into, or however luscious your color or favored breeze that brings dander your way. 

Each and every one of them whether from high grounds or lower marshy lands, each is bugged by their susceptibility towards their environment. Some are constricted by vines of their own projections of psychosis. 

Each making & living their own reality from their limited perceptions.

         Neelima, now..... has reached the autumn of her life & she sees herself wilting away, she is mindful of the little seedlings around her. In their innocent eyes she sees the glee of advertent sprightliness.
It dawns on her...that this is where life is & stays... in those equitable eyes of now new saplings.
           Judicious as she finds herself now at this epoch....she passes on her nutrients to those tender sprouts, shielding them from the fires that burn the forests. 
           What is a tree after all ?! Nothing, but that what stands alone to shade & support the life around & pass out seeds when time comes to return to dust.

           And so these wondrous eyes still dare to dream of the symbiotic world that is darkest shade of green, with butterflies, rain, rainbows &  sun. If not all, she will pass on those dreamy eyes to the next generation...


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