
Showing posts from April, 2019

I'm Different! - 1st in series LIFE IS MAGICAL

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....             It was late spring, with the grass a very deep green and colorful flower buds decorating the land, topped off with a bright sun bathing the forest with warmth, and Mother Minda was expecting bunnies. At the blooming of the narcissus flowers, Mother Minda birthed four beautiful kits.             Three of them, girls, were varying shades of mauve. The fourth kit was the smallest and was baby blue with the flappiest ears Mother Minda had ever seen. He came to be known as Flappy Blue.             As the days shortened, her bunnies, still very young and small, still couldn’t say any other words than “Mamma”. Flappy Blue’s sisters would say this all the time, but he kept quiet.     ...

Ignis Fatuus

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....                                         In the haziness I see clearly...yes it's me!! I am seeing myself in a rapture, sitting beside my family. Everyone is euphoric that I have found the girl of my dreams. The at-oneness everyone feels to have Rose as our new family member is so felicitating. "Yes," I say. "I'll travel back from my trip in a jiffy & I'll plug myself into the preparation for this communion." I'm looking at my mother. Y do I see her contour turn into an agony? A voice disembodied from her is ululating a whoop. It's quiet disconcerting to see the haziness thicken into obscurity. "Where has everyone gone? That wail is getting louder & louder... Between my blinks I see the figure. "No, there are two of them. Y is that lady crying? My eyes feel heavy, ...