I'm Different! - 1st in series LIFE IS MAGICAL

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

            It was late spring, with the grass a very deep green and colorful flower buds decorating the land, topped off with a bright sun bathing the forest with warmth, and Mother Minda was expecting bunnies. At the blooming of the narcissus flowers, Mother Minda birthed four beautiful kits.
            Three of them, girls, were varying shades of mauve. The fourth kit was the smallest and was baby blue with the flappiest ears Mother Minda had ever seen. He came to be known as Flappy Blue.
            As the days shortened, her bunnies, still very young and small, still couldn’t say any other words than “Mamma”. Flappy Blue’s sisters would say this all the time, but he kept quiet.
            One day, Mother Minda wanted her kits to come with her into the forest to learn how to pick carrots.
            Once they arrived, she explained slowly, “You have to grab the stem and pull upward with the right amount of strength to make sure you don’t just pull the leaves out.” She demonstrated; her furry paws wrapped around the green, leafy stem.  Then, she pulled upwards in a smooth motion, and lo behold, the orange carrot came out of the squishy soil.

...........................................................Would you like to read this story to your child? OR give it as a gift? Please make a purchase on BN.com as it is available as a nook book. Proceeds from your purchase will be donated to Autism Speaks. Handmade Toys are available on www.etsy.com/shop/ArtInCrochet


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