Series of Fortunate Events

Sometimes a bijou event ruminates you into world of imagination......

        Occurrence as elementary as being bitten by your pet bird, instead of jolting you into reality propels you to imagine.....
         Now that i have been bitten and have a parakeet bacteria running into my blood stream. I'm host to something so potent that in days i will see having incursion of blue feathers all over me.
My limbs turn into black stripped wings. Now I am humanoid scary but resplendent avian.

          Above being volitant i am volitional..........i can only envisage the possibilities...

Besides leaving my ten year old into frenzy of giggles at my imagination, the child in me lingers on this conception longingly.

Ahhhhh!! the what iffsss?!!!..... the endless mirages of our verve.

        Soaring through the sky i am this huge bird.... unrecompensed.....gratuitous.... a feeling unparalleled to any of us could ever come to simulacrum.

         Looking on this world through this tiny & spirited eye..... i perceive how everyone is living in infinite circle of circumstances some concoct & some concord & all their infinite circles affecting & effecting other infinite circles of circumstances of everyone around them. Creating innumerable histrionics of pain & pleasure.

          For once i am disenthrall.ed.......

          It's good to be Quixotic......i love this kooky kid in me.....


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