A penny, paper clip & some lint

Crochet artist who is an avid reader who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share....


                                           Regular budgie spots       Heart spots in a budgie

Conversation between dad & his little girl....
Dad : What do you think?
Me  : I kinda like it.
Dad : Are you sure?
Me  : I think so 
Dad : What's the hold up? Make up your mind
Me  :  Alright i'll go for it

A routine exchange between father & daughter for her first time purchase of a cassette player. The only bafflement to the store manager was this conversation was being had with eyes.  Yes!! no words. He was flabbergasted that these strange people don't ask or don't say. 

This non indigenous language that has been talked by the duo is like second nature to them which is Y it seems like an alien language to everyone else when seen. With cotton in ears 24 hours a day to shield against the winds & dirt, to fight off  sinuses - talk was only mumbling of words & hearing was possible only if somebody spoke loud. 

Though nonnative to their very primal nature they look for people who can fill their life with noise. Not that they enjoy it but being able to converse is a mystery to them. Words are beautiful . To look at, to ponder at, to read into, to just feel the human hertz & to intrigue as to how a person is able to resource into it's brain for words to make a multifarious chat. It's after all a complex activity. 

Not to get us wrong. We enjoy loquacious people. Though mesmerizing , quiet people sound like a mystery that is too much work to solve. Need to sell those seashells than you better know to be slick & smooth.

But our quietude speaks volumes. God forbid if we are jostled into talking to each other we just well up in tears & that itself speaks volumes between us.

No it is not being handicapped socially. It is having an expression without confabulation. It is more diction than we see in social media, messages & emoji dependent generation. Though words are an integral chunk of society, we forget that major or small decisions are taken by what is felt rather than what is heard. (The gut feeling) if you will. It's more of an action that is seen, the attitude that is felt that determines the character. Mindfulness doesn't need verbiage. It is always felt. It's abstraction is rather more of a confirmation of it's presence rather than the contrary.
Nature doesn't need approval for it's beauty, majesty or power. It is!!!......& you amaze at it ...SPEECHLESS


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