Cayo the Change - 2nd in series LIFE IS MAGICAL

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

                                             CAYO THE CHANGE

   Cayo was a colorful, chubby, charming caterpillar. Beside being a chatterer, he was also a gobbler.  He ate till he couldn't move, and since he couldn't move he ate even more.
Mama Rue, the herb whose leaves he munched on, worried about him. Mama Rue always encouraged Cayo to keep moving by a gentle sway of her leaves & twigs. Cayo was a friendly caterpillar. He would banter with any one cruising through Mama Rue's station. Mama Rue would offer her special leaves to anyone who stopped by for chitter-chatter with joyful Cayo.


           One day Mr. Moth came meandering over Mama Rue. Mama Rue didn't like him a bit. Mr. Moth was a bully & savored sneering & scorning anyone he met. He was surprised to see a tubby little colorful caterpillar bantering away with all the visitors on the herb. From then onward, Mr. Moth started coming to Mama Rue herb everyday & would look for Cayo, calling him names. He wouldn't leave a single opportunity to belittle Cayo.



......................................Would you like to read this story to your child? Or give it as a gift? Please make a purchase on It's available as nook book. Proceeds will go to Autism Speaks. Handmade Toys are available on


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