Sagacity.....Where do you live?

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....


                              It was like the Sun, throbbing, pulsating, radiating......................She couldn't help but heed it.  Her thoughts, speech and actions gravitated towards it. Helpless, powerless, up creek without paddle, purblindly she would dog her footsteps as dictated.

                             This sun of hers was a black-hole & also the reason for the light in her universe. It was powerful, imperious..... that which demanded complete submission. She felt like a mercury.... tiny....heaved into staying closer than others & bullied away to a distance with a threat of annihilation.

                             Mesmerized by it's behemothic, walloping structure at the very same moment aghast by it's ever consuming lethiferous nature.
                             It was an incessant conversion of the two paradoxical virtues of  a singularity(sadness & happiness). And the reason for what she is today in her mid-life. The dignity she caries & the integrity that wraps her with grace is because of it.

                              'It' is..."Sadness" ..................her driving force.

                               Her forlornness is read as her aspiration & her solitariness is comprehended as a mystery. Just like the sun burning itself, she feels like a lover who is banished to hanker nothing more than but to be one with her paramour. And she burns.......with longing in this void.


                               Yes the very same foreboding that pushed Siddhartha & pulled a Buddha out of him. The very same. When it comes to driving on the journey of life. It takes the role of a driver & we are the passengers. Our entire life centrifuges around it. We are held tight towards this center all the while we have the giddy feeling we are moving away from it

                               Salving it with any amount does not come to remedy it. It is an ever consuming hellfire that has been slowly devouring us since eternity. We fill our life with penchants to veil us from the smoldering, not realizing that like insulators we have been harnessing it, to live & survive. It's absence will bring flatness that will kill us with its vapidity. That which we run from is the the only reason for our survival .....& its complexities only engage us into ambitions.

That's an enigma or perhaps an anomaly?!





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