Brooks the Bookworm - 4th in series of LIFE IS MAGICAL

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....


                   Let me introduce you all to Brooks. Brooks is a book-worm. He is one of a kind. He is unique to his species. When every one in his family tree was a book-worm by name & my fame, Brooks was only a book-worm by name. He was known as artist among his genesis.

                   His mom use to worry about Brooks all the time. All his brothers & sisters, 1000 in total, knew how to read & write. They were scholars in literature & math. Not Brooks. Brooks was a sketcher. He used to thrive on his imagination to make sketches of stars, galaxies and rockets.

                    After all night work of collecting food and munching on it, we bookworms gathered around to share our stories during the day and to get some rest. We hid ourselves in mushy, moist & dark soil to protect ourselves from predators and the sunlight. As you see, we are nocturnal creatures.

                   While everyone would gather around to discuss the books they have had been reading recently or share their views & reviews, Brooks would quietly move himself to a corner and paint. Though people liked his art nobody wanted to be friends with him as he would have nothing to say or offer insights into sharing views on the latest read as was expected out of a bookworm.

                   Mother-worm wanted him to belong in the bookworm book club. It was sad for her to see Brooks being aloof  and sadder even to see him being alienated by others. Out of loving concern she made Brooks join a book-club of same age peers. Brooks did not like it a bit. Not one bit. He whined and protested but was not able to convince mother-worm. He didn't want to be away from his home or his canvas or pencils and paintbrushes. But he couldn't say a peep. It almost made me cry to see him sullen as he left for book-club, after all I was one of his thousand siblings 


.........................Do you want to read more about our Brooks? It's available on as a nook book for purchase. Toy "Brooks the Bookworm" is available on These are all original stories & illustrations by ArtInCrochet. Funds raised by sale of toy & story associated are used to raise funds for special need kids.



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