You Know What?!

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

                                                                    You Know What?!


                          Usually my thoughts bug me while having my morning cup of tea but today not bargained for in the least; they have come to harass me at the wee hours of night. And as I sit here typing away, my prodigal prodigy enters the room professing that, "Mom as you know I'm closer to my 'you know what' date of my month & our caddy is out of 'you know what', you need to stock up on those packages. And what are you doing up so late? Are your sinuses giving you trouble again??"

                          I smile and say, "you know what? I'm sleepless during 'you know what' days of the month, too. I also lose my appetite, feel sullen & weepy for no reason & i do feel like an overgrown teenager as of now. Instead of hearing your daddy's symphony of snores with the ticking of time, I came here in the study room to regurgitate my verbal appetite."
                         "Ugh! maa wake him up....'you know what?' I will never marry a man who snores or for that matter any one who wouldn't keep a beard. And 'you know what?' if I ever get married I'm not wearing those Indian dresses that you ladies go crazy over."

                         I bite my lip hiding a giggle....(hmmm....i'm a teenager after all..uh huh..uh huh...debunking all the doubt if any, there was left in my mind, this time) I joined in to the convivial ...
                          "'You know what?' when I was getting married just before entering the mandap(covered structure with pillars) I remember vividly that one of the aunts had pulled my ear  to test-check my reaction. Funny thing was that you passed the test only if instead of howling you flinched at the most and you came out with flying colors if you shot back a smile."
                            "'You know what?' that doesn't make any sense at all. That sounds like abuse....Is that one of your granny stories?....of princess and the pea ...a test of being princesssassy!!!!!...."

                           '''You know what?'it is!!!....princess and pea story but reversed...My point exactly........"

                           "You have read the Ramayana right? Wherein the God King Ram was banished from his kingdom & was forced to  roam the jungles with his wife & brother."
                         "Yessssssssss......Maa....where are we going with this .....this time?!!"
                        "Well......then you must remember that Ram & brother Laxman leave Sita home alone. So they draw a laxmn rekha (a border) that she was asked to stay in for her own security,,,,but..."
                        "I know, I know the villain Ravana comes in a disguise as a sage and asks for alms that he would accept only if Sita comes out of her security line. So she does & all hell broke loose. Your point being......"
                        "'You know what?'......I'm the Sita (like few-many of us) who never crossed the line. I had a chance to do mechanical engineering in a college that was a 2 hour train ride from my hometown but Nani, your grandma, didn't want me to stay away from home, so 'you know what?' I just stayed back and studied medicine."
                       "When I got married, your daddy said you don't have to work, let me take care of  the finances you take care of home & 'you know what?' I just did that. I stayed home taking care of the dolls that later came into my life."

                        "Whaaatt???....Reaaallllly?..... what about your aspirations, your dreams....your wishes...????"

                       "'You know what?' I'm all for woman empowerment, independence & rights, even beauty pageants ;) but I adore all the qualities that make us a woman.....submission, forbearance, fortitude, acceptance, longanimity. It gives us the poise from all the best things we are made of. In the age of technology & information when egos are thrown out in disguise of insolence, for being marred.........the art of staying unperturbed comes handy. And 'you know what?' these very qualities are scientifically proven fact of reduced heart trouble in aging women in comparison to men.
                       Docility is not meekness if it's keeping you humble,  obedience is not surrender if it's done for servility. A gentle balance of assertion & appeasement is what demarcates & consecutively  unbounds us as woman. That is our strength.... the real one."

                      "Lecture, lecture, lecture there is always one behind every memoir.......'You know what ?' these qualities you talk about are extinct now....Maa you are so ancient....."

                      "'You know what?' they aren't ....deny and dislike them ....but i have already passed this baton to you.....& yes i'll never run out of an allegory .......i will always have a story to tell  :)))"
                      "'You know what?' ...Maa......"whatever".........."


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