LambBorghini....crochet stuffed toy

                                                             Stuffed Crochet Toy

1 ball white novelty yarn
1 ball white blanket yarn
1 ball grey bamboo yarn
black embroidery yarn
play glasses (optional)
2.5mm crochet hook
2 set of small eyes

st(s) stitches
cr     center ring(2 ch, work the specified number of stitches into the second st from the hook)
ch    chain stitich
t-ch  turn chain stitch
sl st  slip stitch
dc    double crochet
sc 2 tog  2dc work together
2 dc inc  increase 2dc in one stitch

Body: with novelty yarn
1)cr with 6 dc                              6
2)2dc in eacch st                         12
3)1dc, 2dc inc to end                  18
4)2dc, 2dc inc to end                  24
5)3dc, 2dc inc to end                  30
6)4dc, 2dc inc to end                  36
7)5dc, 2dc inc to end                  42
8 to 13                                        42 dc
14)5dc, dc 2tog to end               36
15)4dc, dc 2tog to end               30
17)3dc, dc 2tog to end               24
18)2dc, dc2tog to end                18
19)1dc, dc 2 tog to end              12
20)12 dc

stuff the body with fiberfill

Head: bamboo yarn
1)cr with 6dc
2)2dc in each st                          6
3)1dc, 2dc in to end                  12
5)2dc, 2dc inc to end                24
7)3dc, 2dc inc to end                30
8)9dc, 2dc inc to end                33
10)12dc, 9*2dc inc, 12dc         42
change to novelty yarn
11 to 14                                    42 dc
15)5dc, dc 2 tog to end            36
16)4dc, dc 2 tog to end            30
17)3dc, dc 2 tog to end            24
18)24 dc
19)2dc, dc 2 tog to end            18
20)1dc, dc 2 tog to end            12
21)dc 2 tog to end                     6
cut the yarn, fill the head with fiberfill, with a yarn make eye sockets then attach the eyes 0n the 8th round 9 st apart, securely close the back of the head.

Ear:    *2  bamboo yarn
1)cr with 4dc
2)1dc, 2dcinc to end                                          6
3)2dc, 2dc inc to end                                         8
4)3dc, 2dc inc to end                                       10
5)4dc, 2dc inc to end                                       12
6)2dcinc, 2dc , 2dc inc, 2dc, 2dc inc, 5dc       15
7-11         15dc
atach the ears at eye level

Arm:  *2    bamboo yarn
1)work 5ch 2dc in 2nd st from the hook, 2dc, 3dcin last st.           11
continue around with 2dc, 2dc in next st
2)5dc, 2dc inc, 5dc                                                                          12
3-7 12dc
change to blanket yarn
8-13 dc in each st around                                                                12
14-15 t-ch ,5dc                                                                                 5
Arm's longer part is sewn to body's 3rd and shorter to the 5th round above.

Leg:     *2 bamboo yarn
1)work 6ch , 2dci n 2nd st from the hook, 3dc, 3dc in last st
continue around 3dc, 2dc in next, 2dc in next st                              13
2)6dc, 2dc inc, 6dc                                                                           14
3-7 14dc
change to blanket yarn
8-13 dc in each st around                                                                 14
14-15 t-ch, 5dc                                                                                   5
Legs's longer part is sewn to the bottom back of the body & shorter in the front.

If you like the pattern follow my blog for more patterns
For queries feel free to leave it in the comment section below they will be promptly answered.
Thank you.


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