The Confounded Love!

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

                                                    The Confounded Love

     The worst nightmare of information age is not, not being updated every second with new dossier of reports of every chapter & verse but it's the befog resulting from it. 
          Endless......faze of confute.....
          Not to patronize but looks like everyone is in a race to be out there unfortunately that is only a tip of iceberg that we see. Majority of unseen part is the question what are we in race against?

Attention Theory
In wanting of attention we internalize what we actually are to what we present to the world consciously.

       The Freudian reasoning behind our huge portion of unconscious  is : in simple terms we relate to what we feel rather than Y are we feeling it. It's too much work besides the blinding weight that feelings bring with them.

Reward Theory
         One such misinterpreted & heavily misunderstood term is 'love yourself'. The shallowest understanding of it is to love how you look, love what you do, love how you think..........contrary to it 
love yourself actually is to come face to face with sincerity and in complete submission to the truth of who you really are.  Love is horrid and lot of hard work & be prepared to get nothing in return. 
If you learn to live with what true love is then you are ready to be awarded bliss as a consolation prize. ;))

Awareness: Diving Deeper
        The reason for larger part of conscious to stay unconscious is because its so raw and primitive to even look at. Imagine to know before you react, the truth behind your action. Do you think you will even bother to react? The workings of the thought process itself is so flawed and ugly..... enough, for us not to bother reacting.
        There is something so primal about how a serial killer thinks that we cringe at his mere verbal submission to admission. He exposes himself to his organic feelings and thereby redeems himself of any guilt. He speaks without remorse. He acts without any regret. He is in complete love of himself.
          Do we need to be a serial killer to love ourselves?!!!. 
         We need to stop being so apathetic and mercurial with spending time in understanding ourselves. Where do I find that time? by spending less time thinking over a friend's social media brag over a vacation or their child's achievement, quibbling over their political rant,  lamenting on how life could have been better if contrasting decisions were taken in the past. It's an exercise but a sure shot to less controversy and conflict free symbiotic living if everyone gives it a shot.

          Is unconscious really so or we choose to having it stay unconscious is the question?!! Don't deep down we know what we have done? or why we chose what we have done?. Or we unconsciously choose to justify our actions rather than reasoning as to why are we choosing to act in first place.  
         This mambo-jumbo of words simply means, a serial killer has a better clarity of his actions than we do!!!;))

         Love yourself has been confounded in today's world.

Today's Confounded Thought Process
       The confounded thought process is seen in the way we convince ourselves in wanting for things. But have we ever reflected that if you think that you want to look pretty that means you have concluded that you are not pretty enough. If you want lavish vacations or branded gear to flash that you have swagger, it means you are sure that you are not purported enough. Well if so?.....just take the variable of wanting out of the equation to reach the solution of understanding your unconscious. 

Staying Woke
        To stay woke is a process. It comes with constant fight with our own inhibitions and fears. The fight is/was never with external factors but self. The first and the last person we fear the most is self. We lose the war even before the battle begins.
        Embracing the fact that feelings are depreciating personal asset that are equally proportional to increasing age and that they require constant maintenance, in contrast to, spiraling them into a real estate, is an imperative nuance outlook for this age.

Spreading Truth
       That is some tough love when you are suggested to love yourself. But once you truly understand & learn to love yourself then by osmosis you spread it around in a right way as it should be.


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