Lingua Franca

Crochet artist who is an avid reader, who contemplates & scribbles her thoughts to share.....

                  How do you define  homosapiens? .....Memories....which in turn builds up the algorithm that defines us. If 00001111 defines one person, then a variation of 00010111 defines the other. That fault in the algorithm are the defining moments around which each one of us develops a personality to function, to respond and act to a given command.
                   If memories are the defining force, pablum is the driving force. World runs on and for vittles and victuals. The variety of grubs and cuisines are the proof.
                  If you look at it in a strictly technical sense....unless if electricity wouldn't  have had been invented, an electronic brain wouldn't have been invented. Our viceral force drives us. Confirm it from our great great great great great ........................................................................great ancestors. 
                 They braved the volcanos, floods, storms, hurricanes for greener pastures, for better food accessibility. We would have found ourselves living in caves and trending in loincloth if our ancestors weren't chivalrous enough to prefer a nomadic life over stationary subsistence.
                Enroute we learnt to make mammoth skin teppes, tools for hunting, fire, utensils, jewelry and so much more. Wherewithal in albatross decided our sustenance.
                That's when human learned to save..........hoard. There is a direct connection between playing jeopardy and hoarding points(whoops ....winning points). It's a consanguineous history that peril brought uncertainty; squirreling accoutrements gave a sense of security. That security in turn gave the promise of more chances of viability.
                 This ambition for continuance is responsible for contention, conflict and combat since time immemorial. Somewhere between this scuffle language of communication was born.

Coming back to algorithms. Computers, when first built, were made to understand human language, take the commands, and get the job done. Whereas today, we have programmers who are computer linguistics and can talk in its language to tweak its algorithms at will. 
             HTML represents the skeleton, CSS becomes the skin, JavaScript represents the behaviour of this giant mechanical brain to display & communicate our stock markets, economy and information.

I cannot doubt that language owes its origin to the imitation and modification, aided by signs and gestures, of various natural sounds, the voices of other animals, and man's own instinctive cries.— Charles Darwin, 1871

  1. Language developed from the calls of our ancestors.
  2. Language was derived from gesture

For a long time, humans used primitive sounds and gestures as their means of communication. Structured languages were seen in scriptures that were written about 10,000 years ago. Linguists say that a language’s age should be determined by the first time it appeared in texts and its use in the present.
Since many languages are thousands of years old, a number of languages could be included in the list of the oldest languages in the world.
Currently, about 7,000 languages are spoken around the world. 
Latin, Armenian, Korean, Hebrew, Chinese, Greek Egyptian, Sanskrit are the oldest. Linguists say that a language’s age should be determined by the first time it appeared in texts and its use in the present.
             Hindi originated from Sanskrit. If Sanskrit is the mother, Hindi is the first born daughter. It has 13 vowels and 33 consonants. In Total of 46 different letters and sounds to work with. In contrast English has 12 vowel sounds and 21 consonants. However in english vowels and consonants are sounds, not letters. Depending on your accent and how thinly you slice them, there are about 20 vowels and 24 consonants.
                As my daughter corrects my accent for the nth time, I spell out to her (the pun is so intentional)  that I'm in complete allegiance to my ancestors, as the language I speak is coalescent to the dialect of origin, where each sound possibly made through the mouth was documented as a letter. 
                When you use words like 'celery' and 'cleverly', I have already used 2 seperate letters, a vowel and a consonant for each 'c' that is used to sound both the words. I elaborate the point that when you are a phonic minimalist making 'hatches' (h) silent with your language ;)), I have come from and lead a life of vocabulary luxury wherein I have the liberty to use a seperate letter for each sound that comes out of my mouth as is in the history of existence. :D
              So when I sound 'steek' for when I'm supposed to sound 'stake' for saying 'steak' it's not because I'm a vegetarian :))). It's because I'm Yoda when it comes to originality of languages, which is when SOV (subject-object-verb) wasn't discovered and sounds were translated into words in no particular grammatical order.
               Language isn't defined by its origin, accent or versatility. It is defined by its fluidity of expression,  benefit and impact. Making it imperative for its prudent application by one and all. As language has the potential to abase and overturn sovereign or aid suffering hapless.



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